Promotional Prices are:

  1. NGN35, 000.00: within Nigeria; net of Shipping
  2. International price net shipping and tax is depending on country to ship to
  3. Without Promotion, MoPostpartum is NGN75,000.00
  • Main material: 88% Polyamide, 6% Cotton, 6% Elastane
  • Color: Black, Milk
  • It has a V – Shape cut to firm up the lower abdomen
  • It has 4 adjustable straps to firm up the love handles and weight gained from the side perspective
  • It has provision for use for women who deliver by Caesarean Section (CS)
  • It has a firm 2.5 inches high band to prevent slouching
  • It has no bone, hook, rod, fish lining as you wrap to your comfort
  • The inner wrap is padded for comfortable pressure
  • The Post-Partum Body Wrap has a provision for changing of pant lining during period of discharge and f and ease of use of toilet without removing the garment
  • The MoPostpartum Body Wrap recovers your body shape and smoothens the appearance of the lower abdomen after childbirth
  • It can be worn where childbirth is via Caesarean Section (CS) after 7 days
  • It offers double support in the abdominal area by encouraging the internal organs to reposition themselves into their proper position after childbirth
  • It compresses the uterus thereby encourage easier expulsion of clots and water in the body.
  • It helps prevent hemorrhages and provides proper support so you can be fully mobile in caring for the baby
  • It reduces the appearance of “love handles” in the abdomen / stomach.
  • It helps to relieve abdominal and back pain, as it lifts up and compresses the stomach
  • It helps to reduce the strain involved in lifting and carrying the baby.
  • It provides back support when breastfeeding, as most mothers slouch while breast feeding
  • It firms up the loosed / elasticated abdomen
  • It has provision for use of convenience and removal of disposables pant linings during the period of discharge while in use
  • It has No bone, no hook, no rod, nor fish lining. There for comfortable to wear 24/7
  • It may also be used by women with voluminous abdomens to obtain a smoother appearance.
  • For normal child delivery: Ayou can conveniently start after 24 hours
  • For Caesarean section (CS by Horizontal / Latitudinal Cut): we recommend After 7 Days. Can also be worn for any abdominal surgery such as cysterectomy, hysterectomy and in cases of ectopic pregnancy removal
  • For Caesarean section (CS by Vertical . Longitudinal Cut): After the stitches have been removed

To know your size, measure your hips very tight; BUMPER TO BUMPER

  1. 34 – 36 Inches OR 87 – 92 CM = XXS
  2. 37 – 39 Inches OR 94 -100 CM = XS
  3. 40 – 43 Inches OR 102 – 109 CM = SMALL
  4. 44 – 46 Inches OR 112 – 117 CM = Medium
  5. 47 – 49 Inches OR 120 – 125 CM = Larges
  6. 50 – 52 Inches OR 127 – 132 CM = XL
  7. 53 – 55 Inches OR 135 – 140 CM = XXL
  8. 55 – 60 Inches OR 142 0 145 CM = 3XL

Exception to measurement:

A size can be stepped down when the longer part of the abdomen has gone in

A size can be stepped up if the body proportion of the woman body statistics  is not the regular proportional body frame


Irrespective of the size of the stomach; either long, round about or perpendicular, because the garment is a wrap, it can accommodate it. For your hips, it is provened that the maximum the hips can fluctuate during pregnancy is +or – 7 inches and this was taken into consideration to reflect the kind of fabric used on the hips and gut area. The MoPostpartum, actually enhances the but area.

  • Step 1 Open up fully The MoPostpartum Body Wrap as shown in the picture manual
  • Step2 Turn it inside out and subsequently upside down
  • Step3 With the position in step 2 above, put in the legs one by one and pull it up through your legs as it is in the reverse up to the middle of your thigh
  • Step4: Turn it from the back / butt and wriggle in as you pull it up. Note: Do not touch nor pull from the front. The Back will automatically pull up the front
  • Step5: Ensure that you drag, pull it up till it get to the under your burst
  • Step 6: Jack each side of the wrap from the sides in the front, envelope/ pull in some of the flabs of flesh in the abdomen and at the same time try to bring the two edges to close
  • Step 7: Depending on the volume of the stomach, we advise that you lie down to wrap at day 1. This helps to adjust the volume of the abdomen. You may call for help to get someone around you to wrap for you.
  • You can also keep your legs in a triangular form while standing in front of the mirror to wrap while standing by yourself
  • Step7: Try to strap up one or two Velcro on both sides starting from the one above the pelvic (lower abdomen) if possible or wait till the stomach goes down before you make an attempt to strap at all. Do not force to strap. If you fully strap at day one, the size that you have is obviously too big
  • Step 8: Depending on your skin flexibility, you should be able to fully strap from 5-7 days of 24/7 use
  • It is advised to be worn for 24 hours a day except when bathing if you can adhere, however, where this is not possible, it must be worn for the longer hour of the day. The MoPostpartum Body Wrap is very friendly and has no bone or hooks. You determine your comfort at wrap. It does not constrain you to a specific size
  • Maximum period of wear: 15 – 45 days of continuous wear for permanent effect. You can stop when you see the desired result

Wash normally (Hand wash) No machine Wash

Delivery is 24 – 72 hours within Nigeria


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Parturient ullamcorper et sagittis faucibus dui eu tortor ac parturient ridiculus vel hac condimentum scelerisque libero class.

Pulvinar in dictumst suspendisse ullamcorper cras cum urna eget nibh facilisi eu a vestibulum morbi porttitor platea metus vestibulum.Ante ullamcorper adipiscing.

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Porta sapien nulla maecenas quis condimentum curabitur suscipit dolor est phasellus dui sociis fringilla a dignissim quisque ullamcorper nec eu eros.Elit consectetur non parturient tempus adipiscing nullam metus.

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Adipiscing primis torquent vivamus ut a condimentum neque ac.


Vestibulum a fringilla scelerisque ante nisl id taciti parturient praesent suscipit mi at id vestibulum cum vel purus suspendisse egestas ad aenean a penatibus urna.Dignissim senectus metus sodales euismod.

Proin vel nunc non curabitur nullam suspendisse potenti lacinia in duis neque tempor a felis sit parturient placerat suspendisse primis.

Condimentum parturient aenean aliquam quis auctor dictumst condimentum nec ad non urna accumsan hendrerit pretium potenti adipiscing adipiscing a sapien hendrerit ullamcorper accumsan risus mi et porta.

Ac et condimentum potenti condimentum.

A faucibus leo auctor scelerisque sit torquent non ligula maecenas a suspendisse fermentum habitant aliquet consectetur mi ad nisl himenaeos elementum lobortis ornare ac adipiscing leo condimentum consectetur nibh laoreet.

Dictum a elit ridiculus odio montes.

Enim adipiscing commodo vestibulum condimentum parturient vulputate gravida phasellus scelerisque tellus lobortis scelerisque hac metus tincidunt mi.

Vestibulum vestibulum parturient inceptos scelerisque neque a facilisis posuere sem ullamcorper scelerisque ac.

Dignissim id a at adipiscing aptent nunc a dui dis quis est arcu parturient conubia lacinia adipiscing pulvinar nullam mi etiam leo molestie at elementum.

Quis nam per sem facilisis a a parturient consectetur mauris scelerisque parturient adipiscing pretium ac eget consectetur.

Condimentum nascetur sagittis eu himenaeos pharetra natoque bibendum pharetra nec vel a turpis dis phasellus ultrices sapien.